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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

   Alot of things have happened over this school year! And it all was bad. My real father will have a relationship with his 2 other kids but he won't have anything to do with me. My step brother getting caught  smoking dope while my friends were over. Now I have to move back to Fayettville n.c. Because my mom and my step dad are getting a divorce. I have also realize how to tell if people are your real friends or if they are fake and will stab you in the back. I just hope God will bless me making it pro playing football so I can show all these haters what they are missing out on.

    My a lot of people have asked me why am I so religious, and I tell them that God has not just been an inspiration in my life but he also has been my chair  to sit on when I need a break from all this stressful situations. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I feel like it's my duty as a follower to make and to help people have a better relationship with God. If you do become a follower and you get saved life won't just be you know all of a sudden good. You still are going to have your challenges, not because God punishes you but because he wants to push you through tough times, or he might put you in situations to learn, and or for something good to come out of those bad times. But one of the most important things is that you give God the glory for all the good and the bad things that have happened, happening, or are about to happen. If you do that becuase you need comfort through things and not just because you know it's right, He will continue to bless you with what ever you are good at or continue to bless you with good things that have not happend yet.


  1. Sorry man I really feel bad for you. I don't want to say I know what it feels like because I don't. Just know I feel sorry for you and will pray for you.
