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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Writing Reflection

Top 3 posts: Hunger Games Chapter18, Giving The Big Man The Glory, Dead Beat Father.

Best Post That Shows My Creativity: Giving The Big Man The Glory. I think that this post show my best writng strengths because, it shows how I conbine relgion with sports and also events that might heppen in real life.
Explane the part that shows your growth:  I hope that this hole dad experiance is a sign from God that he will bless me with children of my own because i wan't to be a better father to my kids than my biological father was never to me.

Prove that this shows growth: This shows trumendes growth because I could never share or tell my fealings with something like this goin on. But put negitive feeling into feelings of forgiveness really helped me alot.

Links to student blog: http://jswagger34.blogspot.com/2012/01/how-to-give-big-man-glory.html

1 comment:

  1. G'day Jeffrey,
    Thanks for registering for the March 2012 student blogging challenge. Make sure you visit the blog every week beginning early March, when the first challenge will be published. If you want a reminder sent to your email each week, use the "Subscribe by email" on the right sidebar of the blog. Also make sure you visit blogs from other students around the world with similar interests.

    Miss W or tasteach - challenge organizer
